Telegram, the popular messaging app, has reached a significant milestone by achieving profitability, according to its founder Pavel Durov. In a recent post, Durov revealed that the company's total revenue has surpassed $1 billion in 2024, marking a major turning point in its financial journey.
The achievement is attributed to the success of Telegram's premium subscription service, launched in 2022, which has garnered 12 million paid users. This growth has contributed significantly to the company's revenue, enabling it to reach profitability ahead of schedule. In an earlier interview with the Financial Times, Durov had predicted that Telegram would hit profitability in 2025, but the company has managed to achieve this feat a year earlier.
In addition to its revenue milestone, Telegram has also built up a substantial cash reserve of over $500 million, excluding its crypto assets. This financial cushion will provide the company with the flexibility to invest in new initiatives and drive further growth. Furthermore, Durov announced that Telegram has repaid a significant portion of its debt bonds this fall, taking advantage of favorable prices for the Telegram bonds.
Telegram's financial success can be attributed to its diverse revenue streams, including its premium subscription service, advertising revenue sharing, and paid content on channels. The company has also expanded its offerings to businesses, releasing features and tools to enhance their presence on the platform. Moreover, Telegram has launched a mini app store, providing users with a range of services and tools.
The company's profitability milestone is a significant achievement, given its massive user base of over 950 million monthly active users. As Telegram continues to grow and expand its services, it is likely to attract more users and businesses, further solidifying its position in the messaging app market.
Durov's announcement also hints at the company's plans for an initial public offering (IPO) in the future. With its financials in order and a growing user base, Telegram is well-positioned to make a successful transition to a publicly traded company.
In conclusion, Telegram's achievement of profitability is a testament to the company's innovative approach and commitment to providing value to its users. As the company looks to the future, it is likely to continue driving growth and innovation in the messaging app space.