Universal's animated sci-fi adventure, 'The Wild Robot', is set to make its streaming debut on Peacock later this month, following its upcoming theatrical rerelease. The film, which has already racked up an impressive $324.3 million worldwide and garnered numerous awards from film critics groups, will be available to stream for Peacock subscribers starting January 24th.
The news comes as Universal prepares to re-release 'The Wild Robot' in theaters on January 17th, a move that seems designed to keep the film top of mind as awards season heats up. By making the film available on both the big and small screens, Universal is giving audiences more options to experience one of 2024's best films.
'The Wild Robot' has been available to purchase physically on DVD and Blu-ray, as well as on digital platforms like Apple TV and Amazon Prime Video, for some time now. However, its upcoming streaming debut on Peacock marks a significant expansion of its availability, making it easier than ever for fans to catch up with the animated adventure.
The film's successful initial box office run and subsequent awards haul have cemented its status as one of the standout films of 2024. By making it more widely available, Universal is likely hoping to capitalize on its momentum and generate even more buzz around the film.
For fans of 'The Wild Robot', the news is a welcome development, offering a convenient and affordable way to experience the film from the comfort of their own homes. With its streaming debut on Peacock just around the corner, now is the perfect time to catch up with this critically acclaimed animated adventure.
As the streaming landscape continues to evolve, moves like this one from Universal highlight the importance of making content more accessible and widely available. With 'The Wild Robot' set to join Peacock's growing library of content, subscribers are in for a treat.
Mark your calendars for January 24th, when 'The Wild Robot' makes its streaming debut on Peacock. In the meantime, fans can catch the film in theaters starting January 17th, or purchase it physically or digitally on various platforms.