Invincible Fight Girl, a new anime-inspired series, is set to premiere on Adult Swim, bringing a unique blend of wrestling and shonen classics to the small screen. Created by Juston Gordon-Montgomery, the show follows the story of Andy, a young accountant turned wrestler, as she navigates a world of magical masked brawlers.
Gordon-Montgomery's love for the Attitude Era of pro wrestling shines through in the show, which draws inspiration from anime series like Dragon Ball Z and One Piece. The creator's vision is to capture the thrill of a wrestling match, while also exploring the characters' backstories and ideologies.
The series' serialized storytelling approach, reminiscent of anime classics, is a departure from traditional Western animation. Gordon-Montgomery's commitment to this format has paid off, with the network supporting his vision for a longer narrative arc. With its premiere on November 2nd, Invincible Fight Girl is poised to bring a fresh perspective to the world of animation and entertainment.