New Mobile Suit Gundam Anime Series Announced, Co-Produced by Sunrise and Khara
Get ready for a new Mobile Suit Gundam series, co-produced by Sunrise and Khara, with a unique storyline and fresh take on the classic Gundam aesthetic.
Max Carter
The rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to accelerate the sustainability crisis, outpacing power grid supply, unless drastic measures are taken to rethink cloud architecture and prioritize resource optimization. The current focus on data center efficiency is merely scratching the surface of the problem, and a more holistic approach is needed to address the unsustainable demands of AI.
Experts argue that the key to sustainable cloud computing lies in optimizing resource utilization through efficient cloud architectures, server virtualization, workload optimization, and dynamic resource allocation. AI and machine learning technologies can also play a crucial role in predicting usage patterns and automating resource scaling to optimize workload distribution.
The cost of inaction will be severe, with inefficient architectures burning too many cycles and wasting excess energy. It's time for enterprises to stop "fake-caring" about cloud sustainability and take concrete steps towards a more sustainable future. The writing is on the wall – will the tech community rise to the challenge?
Get ready for a new Mobile Suit Gundam series, co-produced by Sunrise and Khara, with a unique storyline and fresh take on the classic Gundam aesthetic.
Nigeria imports more fuel in October despite having a fully operational refinery, highlighting complications in the oil sector.
Indian fintech Slice merges with North East Small Finance Bank, gaining access to lower-cost capital and direct control over lending operations.
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